A specialized knee doctor can treat problems related to your knees such as arthritis, tears, or dislocations. If you are experiencing chronic knee pain, or if you have suffered a knee injury, you are probably looking for a doctor who specializes in the knee so the pain or injury can be addressed as [Read More]
Knee Pain treatment San Antonio TX
How to Stay Active When You Have Knee Problems
If you have knee pain, your druthers are probably to stay off of the knee as much as possible and give it a rest. However, patients who have suffered a knee injury, are recovering from knee surgery, or have chronic knee pain due to arthritis or other issues are encouraged to stay active in order to [Read More]
FAQs About Knee Pain
Knee pain is very common. It is among the top reasons why many of our patients see our orthopedic surgeons here at Center for Orthopaedic Surgery and Sports Medicine. If you’re suffering from knee pain, you’re probably on this page in search of answers—or solutions. With that in mind, we’ve drawn [Read More]