Playing sports is a great way to enhance your overall health and well-being. Whether you want to push your limits or master a skill, sports provide an avenue for self-improvement and healthy competition. However, many physical activities can also increase the risk of sports injuries. Knowing how to [Read More]
sprains and strains
Recovery from a Knee Ligament Injury
The knee contains four main ligaments that connect the thighbone (femur) to the shinbone (tibia). These ligaments are tough, but they can be stretched or torn due to severe impact or overuse, including from playing sports or if you are injured in an accident. A ligament takes longer to heal than [Read More]
Fixing a Torn Muscle
Aches, sprains and soreness are common when one is trying to get in shape. However, muscle tears (also referred to as strains) can be more problematic. Those athletes who push their bodies beyond the failure point – doing forced reps or extreme training – are very likely to experience more intense [Read More]
Sprain Vs. Strain
If you had to choose between a strain or sprain, which malady would you prefer to endure? Truthfully, neither are much fun but most people don't realize that there's a difference between the two. Difference Between Sprains and Strains A sprain is a condition caused by bands of tissue, [Read More]